With a fast increasing number of Dreys, Squirrels across Berkshire have been getting up to all sorts of brilliant activities.
We’ve created this space for existing leaders to share some of their favourite moments with their Squirrel Drey in the hope that sharing these activities will inspire other leaders across the county – whether in post or thinking of joining.
If you’d like your Squirrel Drey to feature on this page please:
County Administrator
Across September we asked Squirrels from across the county to send in drawings of their favourite Squirrel activities. We had a diverse range of entries from ‘healthy eating activities’ to ‘roasting marshmallows’. Thank you to everyone who entered. You all did brilliantly and we loved seeing all your drawings and adventures!
Congratulations to our winners:
Oscar – Age 5 with his drawing of ‘going for walk and having a teddy bear’s picnic’
Gabriella – Age 5 with her drawing of ‘roasting marshmallows’

And well done also to our runners up
Tommy – Age 5 with his drawing of ‘playing games, healthy eating and sing and sign’
Runali – Age 5 with her drawing of ‘roasting marshmallows’

1st Newbury Squirrels – decorating the hut
Having only officially opened at Easter 2023, 1st Newbury Group Scout Leader, Yvonne Soulby, thought it was important that her newest section made their mark on their headquarters. So 1st Newbury Squirrels got out their paintbrushes and got creative with a bare wall of the hut. Their beautiful mural is now an integral part of 1st Newbury’s meeting place.

1st Purley & Pangbourne – skateboarding Squirrel
1st Purley & Pangbourne Squirrels ran a ‘Wheels’ evening with their Squirrel Drey, inviting Squirrels to bring in their favourite way of getting around for an evening of practice, obstacle courses, and fun!
Many bought in their scooters and bicycles and whizzed around custom-designed obstacle courses, developing their confidence and showing off their skills. Five year old Yarik bought in a skateboard, despite not having had much chance to practice at home. Yarik is one of the founding Squirrels of the 1st Purley & Pangbourne drey and a Ukrainian refugee, having moved to the area just shortly before the Drey began.
Luckily for him Young Leader Beanie is an avid skateboarder and happy to share her skills. The pair had an impromptu lesson and after the session, happily skated back to their meeting place together. It made for a memorable and happy evening for Yarik, Beanie and Yarik’s mum Tetiana who commented:
My son can’t ride a bike, and I was sorry that he doesn’t have his dad here, who could teach him. So, when I was watching how Beanie taught him to ride a skateboard, I was happy that someone professional is teaching him, someone to whom he may listen, take as an example of and learn a new skill.
Alongside his new skills, Yarik now has a new nickname ‘the skateboarding Squirrel’!