We know how important and diverse the role of the GSL is in the Group. We aim to support our volunteers in this role by offering each new appointee an induction tailored to their experience and skill set.
The induction is run by our Volunteer Development Officer, Becky Eytle, and is covered over a six month period. There is a combination of face to face/ online meetings with ad-hoc support and a group workshop with other new GSLs.

Our aim to is ensure that the induction is tailored and therefore relevant to each of our volunteers as well as being flexible in its nature to meet the volunteer’s needs and schedule.
The induction programme covers:
Stage 1: Pre-AAC- Conversation with the DC
At this meeting, the GSL role description is agreed, the appointment process is outlined and the training commitment for a Manager and Supporter role is explained. Key meetings dates for the Group and District will be shared and priorities for the group discussed.

Stage 2: Initial meeting with VDO
At this stage, support from district, peers and county for the GSL are outlined and signposted. The Induction process and Induction (Getting Started) modules are explained and safeguarding policies and processes outlined. We go into a more depth on priorities for the group and how resulting key actions can be managed and planned. IT access, youth shaped strategies and reasonable adjustment processes are covered.
Stage 3: Progress meeting with VDO
In this final 1to1 meeting with the VDO, progress on key actions is discussed. The appointment process and training for leaders are outlined; the role of the Executive Committee is discussed, insurance for the group and premises is explained.
The importance of relationship building with the leadership team and wider community is covered and we begin to explore the use of RAG (red, amber, green) analysis in the evaluation of programmes and building a group plan. Permits are explained and information on the complaints procedure is signposted. We also cover reviewing volunteers and ensure the GDPR regulations are understood.

Stage 4: Meet other GSLs
This is a group session with new GSLs that have completed their induction in a similar timeframe. Establishing peer support is important in the GSL role and this session aims to build a network that exists outside of your district meetings.
We cover the journey so far, building a team and recruitment/ retention of adults. We also focus on people management skills and look at key compliance areas with plenty of opportunity to share and ask for feedback.
After each meeting the VDO will share notes and action points with the GSL and DC soon after the meeting. These notes can then provide the basis for follow up discussions.
The VDO is available for advice throughout the induction period remotely and GSLs are encouraged to utilise this resource for queries and support.
Beyond the induction
The VDO can be a point of contact for GSLs and others going forward. They are not expected to be an expert on everything but instead can provide signposting to other people or resources.