“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try and cheer to somebody else up.”
Those words from American writer Mark Twain proved inspirational for 3rd Newbury Scout Group as they aimed to spread a little neighbourhood cheer to those at home during the Easter weekend.
Members were asked to put together a box of essential foods to support nominated members of the community, particularly those vulnerable or in need of a bit of extra assistance at this difficult time.
The “Community Parcels” were all adorned with messages of hope, including rainbow and Scout themed pictures, ready to put a smile on people’s faces. It was certainly a unified effort with contributions from Beavers, Cubs and Scouts alike.
Having delivered the parcels – carefully observing social distancing and hygiene guidelines – a representative from 3rd Newbury said: “We had some tears on doorsteps and some very happy recipients. It’s amazing such a small gesture can affect and help so many. So very proud of everyone who went out of their way to do a good turn.”